March 29, 2007

Tonight's Lost

How great was it that tonight's episode of Lost featured a classic gothic trope, live burial. Here is Eve Sedgwick on live burial:

It is the position of the self to be massively blocked off from something to which it ought normally to have access. This something can be its own past, the details of its family history; it can be the free air, when the self has been literally buried alive; it can be a lover; it can be just all the circumambient life, when the self is pinned in a death-like sleep. (The Coherence of Gothic Conventions)

Thus, this trope seems very appropriate in a show and on an island where "secrets don't stay buried" to quote Mr. John Locke.

Post Script: If there were a way to officially declare war against Internet fandom, I think that I would. The mere thought of people whining on message boards about how a show like Lost has "jumped the shark," makes me ill. How sad would it be if these people's trigger happy vitriol makes the network pull this show. The inability to screen one's thoughts and reflect on one's responses surely is one of the more frightening symptoms of Internet culture, don't you think? Or to quote Mr. T.S. Eliot:

Nothing again nothing.
"You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember
"Are you alive or not? Is there nothing in your head?"

1 comment:

Allison said...

hear! hear!